How are those new 2023 New Years resolutions going?
Great I hope!
Mine are off to a slow start! Ive just returned from a week long conference in Nashville (too much fun) and getting out of routine always trows me off a little. Funny setting better routines in one of the things that I want to be more intentional about this year.
Which leads me to my word of the year! Intentional! I prefer to pick a theme to work on for the year. This year I will work on being more intentional in my process for completing task, including work, play, and household duties.
For work duties I am writing out my business plan :) yes I've had a general idea of how I've been doing business these last 8 years, but I need it in WRITING to keep it consistent and flowing better. Not having someone to tell you what needs to be done seems to be a problem for a lot of self employed business owners. I really wanting to change that this year.
In the play/recreation aspect of life. I am being more intentional by planning ahead of time! I've already got a trip planned for very month until July! Crazy! I'm usually a little more fly by the seat of my pants. We will see how intentional I can be with the 2nd half of the year.
Ugg! Household duties :( my least favorite! (and the one thats gets easily neglected) I have become more intentional by designating certain days for certain task such as laundry (Wednesday) and vacuming (Friday) <--- this will be the hardest for me! It should be easy now that all of the kids are moved out right? I mean they were the reason everything was so messy ;)
Also because the children are all moved out I am becoming more intentional with my cooking and grocery shopping habits. Learning to cook for 2 is a little crazy after feeding a football team for so many years. I actually seem to be grasping this one pretty well. Sorry kids dont expect any leftovers when you stop by!